Noah Davis
Posted on December 14, 2023

What Is the Future of SEO in 2024? 7 Critical SEO Trends to Know

Group of people using their laptop on their separate table and chair around a blue glowing glop

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a dynamic and ever-changing field that requires marketers to adapt and innovate on a regular basis. So what does the future of SEO holds?

With the rapid growth of artificial intelligence (AI) and changing online user behavior, SEO is becoming harder and more complicated than ever.

In this blog, we will look at the top seven SEO trends in 2024 that will affect the online world in that year and beyond.

These trends will assist you in understanding both the present and the future of SEO and how you can use it to increase your online exposure, traffic, and conversions.

Trend 1: Generative AI Marketing Tools for SEO and Content

AI is changing not only how search engines rank and distribute results, but also how marketers develop and optimize content.

We, too, use AI to generate content ideas. Because they can generate high-quality, relevant, and engaging material at scale, generative AI marketing solutions are emerging as significant friends for SEO and content marketing.

Generative AI marketing tools use natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning to analyze data, understand user intent, and create content that matches the user's search query and needs.

These tools can also optimize content for SEO by incorporating keywords, headings, meta tags, and other elements that improve ranking and readability.

Some examples of generative AI marketing tools include:

• GPT: Of course, everyone knows the next-generation language model that can generate coherent and diverse text for everything, from product descriptions to blog posts to social media captions.

Copysmith: A tool that can generate catchy and persuasive headlines, slogans, taglines, and ads for any product or service.

Frase: A tool that can create comprehensive and informative content briefs and outlines based on the target keyword and the top-ranking pages for that keyword.

By using generative AI marketing tools, marketers can save time, money, and resources as well as improve the quality, quantity, and variety of their content.

However, these tools are not meant to replace human creativity and judgment, but rather to expand and improve them. Marketers still need to edit, review, and refine the content generated by AI, as well as monitor its performance and impact.

The key to success with these tools is to focus on conversions and revenue, not just traffic and rankings. Marketers need to ensure that content is relevant, useful, and engaging to the target audience and that it aligns with the business goals and brand voice.

This trend is especially important for B2B SEO trends, as B2B marketers need to create and optimize content that addresses the specific needs and pain points of their target audience, as well as showcases their expertise and authority in their niche.

Trend 2: Google Search Generative Experience (SGE)

Google is always looking for new ways to improve the user experience and provide the best possible answers to user queries. One of the latest innovations from Google is the Search Generative Experience (SGE), which is a new way of presenting search results that leverages generative AI and interactive elements.

It is a feature that allows users to personalize and refine their search results by the use of sliders, filters, buttons, and other controls.

For example, If a user searches for "best laptop for gaming," they can use SGE to change the pricing range, screen size, battery life, and other parameters of the laptop they are looking for.

Google will then provide a list of laptops that fit the user's criteria, including photographs, ratings, reviews, and links to buy.

It is designed to make search more personalized, intuitive, and engaging, as well as to reduce the number of clicks and taps required to find the desired information.

It also aims to provide more accurate and relevant results, as it takes the user's context, intent, and behavior into consideration.

This represents one of the most crucial SEO trends in 2024 because the future of SEO relies heavily on the behavior of search engines, which is constantly evolving. It is critical to adapt to these developments in order to stay ahead in this industry.

Trend 3: Zero-Click Searches

Zero-click searches are searches that do not result in a website visit because the user gets the answer they are looking for directly from the search engine results page (SERP).

They are becoming more common as Google and other search engines provide more and more information and features on the SERP, such as featured snippets, knowledge panels, local packs, photos, videos, maps, and so on.

According to SparkToro research, in 2020, 64.82% of Google searches in the US ended without clicking on a web property, up from 50.33% in 2019.

This trend is expected to continue through 2024 and beyond as search engines become more sophisticated and user-focused.


These searches pose a challenge for SEO as they reduce organic traffic and website visibility.

However, they also offer marketers the opportunity to adapt their strategies and tactics to this trend.

To do that, in 2024 marketers need to pay attention to:

Featured snippets

Optimize their content for featured snippets, which are the most prominent and coveted type of zero-click search result. The boxes at the top of the SERP that provide a direct and concise solution to the user's query are known as featured snippets.

To optimize for this, marketers need to provide clear and factual answers to common questions, use lists, tables, and bullet points, and use schema markup and headings to structure the content.

Voice search

We will discuss Voice search in depth in this article, but for Zero-Click Searches seo trends optimize your website's content for voice search, that is closely related to zero-click searches because Google Assistant answers most voice inquiries without forwarding the user to a website.

This is growing more popular, particularly among mobile users and owners of smart speakers.

To optimize for it, marketers must use natural and conversational language, provide short and straightforward answers, and structure the material with schema markup and headings.

Additional SERP features

Optimize your content for additional SERP features like knowledge panels, local packs, photos, videos, maps, and so on. These features can help boost the website's brand awareness, authority, and credibility, as well as drive traffic and conversions.

To optimize for these features, marketers need to provide relevant and accurate information, use high-quality and optimized media, and claim and update their Google My Business profile.

This trend is all about the future of SEO. Because instead of just providing a list of website links, it is more important to provide clear and detailed answers to what consumers are requesting.

Trend 4: Answer Engine Optimization (AEO)

Answer Engine Optimization (AEO) is a term that describes the process of optimizing content for search engines that provide direct and specific answers to user queries, rather than a list of links to websites.

It is a subset of SEO, but it focuses more on the user intent and satisfaction, rather than the keywords and ranking.

It’s becoming more important, as search engines are evolving from being information retrieval tools to being answer engines.

This evolution is driven by the increasing use of AI, NLP, and voice search, as well as the changing behavior and expectations of online users.

It’s closely related to zero-click searches and featured snippets, as these are the main ways that search engines provide direct answers to user queries.

However, it also encompasses other aspects of content optimization, such as:

• Providing clear and factual answers to common questions, using lists, tables, and bullet points, and using schema markup and headings to structure the content.

• Providing comprehensive and informative content that covers the topic in-depth and provides additional information and resources, such as links, images, videos, etc.

• Providing trustworthy and authoritative content that cites credible sources, displays credentials and reviews, and follows the E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) guidelines of Google.

• Providing user-friendly and engaging content that uses natural and conversational language, provides a clear and compelling value proposition, and encourages user interaction and feedback.

Answer Engine optimization isn't just a trend; It's a fundamental change in the way we approach SEO in 2024. By focusing on providing direct answers to user queries and adapting to them, you position your website for success in the dynamic landscape of the SEO field.

Trend 5: Focus on Topical Authority

Topical authority measures how well a website covers a given topic or specialty, as well as how relevant and trustworthy that topic is how relevant and trustworthy it is for that topic. It is becoming more and more crucial for SEO as search engines change from keyword-based to topic-based ranking.

It is a method of ranking websites that is focused on their relevance and authority for a certain topic rather than individual keywords. Topic-based ranking considers the semantic linkages between keywords, the query's user intent, and the quality and depth of the information provided.

To establish topical authority, marketers need to:

• Conduct a thorough keyword and topic research, using tools such as Google Trends, Google Keyword Planner or 360 Marketing Tool to identify the most relevant and popular topics and subtopics for your niche.

• Create a content strategy that covers the topic in-depth and breadth, using different types of content, such as blog posts, guides, ebooks, infographics, videos, podcasts, etc. to provide value and variety to the audience.

• Create a content hierarchy that organizes the content into categories, subcategories, and topics, using a clear and consistent URL structure, navigation, and internal linking to improve the user experience and the crawlability of the website.

• Create a content hub that serves as the central and authoritative source of information for the topic, linking to other relevant and useful content on the website or external sources.

This is one of the most important B2B SEO trends for 2024, since, as we previously mentioned, these types of businesses need to put all their efforts into creating authoritativeness in their niche.".

Trend 6: Voice Search Adoption

The use of vocal commands to complete web searches rather than typing or tapping is known as voice search.

This has become increasingly popular, especially among smartphone users and owners of smart speakers. According to Juniper Research, income from voice-based ads might reach $19 billion by 2024, up from $1.5 billion in 2019.

It has significant implications for SEO, as it changes the way users interact with search engines and the way marketers optimize their content.

To take advantage of voice search, you need to:

• Use natural and conversational language, as voice queries are typically longer and more informal than text queries.

For example, instead of typing "best pizza near me", a user might say "where can I get a good pizza around here?".

• Provide concise and conversational answers, as voice queries are typically answered by Google Assistant or other voice assistants, rather than directing the user to a website.

For example, instead of providing a long and detailed article about pizza, a marketer might provide a short and simple answer like "the best pizza place near you is Pizza Hut, located at 123 Main Street".

• Use schema markup and headings to structure the content, as voice assistants rely on these elements to understand and extract the relevant information from the content.

For example, a marketer might use schema markup to indicate the name, address, phone number, rating, and opening hours of the pizza place, and use headings to organize the content into sections, such as menu, specials, delivery, etc.

Voice search is about understanding intent and delivering value. Give your audience the answers they are looking for in a way that is easy and convenient for them.

Trend 7: Mobile-Aware Indexing

Mobile-aware indexing is a way of indexing and ranking websites based on their mobile version, rather than their desktop version.

It is a response to the growing number of mobile users and the importance of providing a fast and user-friendly mobile experience.

This was introduced by Google in 2018, and it has been gradually rolled out to all websites since then. According to Google, more than 70% of the websites shown in search results are already indexed by their mobile version.

It has a significant impact on SEO, as it affects the visibility and performance of websites on mobile devices. To optimize for mobile-aware indexing, marketers need to:

• Ensure that the mobile version of the website is fast, responsive, and easy to navigate, using tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights, Google Mobile-Friendly Test, and Google Lighthouse to measure and improve the mobile performance.

• Ensure that the mobile version of the website has the same content, features, and functionality as the desktop version, using tools such as Google Search Console and Google Analytics to monitor and compare the mobile and desktop performance.

• Ensure that the mobile version of the website follows the best practices and guidelines of Google, such as avoiding intrusive pop-ups, using HTTPS, and avoiding Flash and other unsupported formats.

Don’t wait to see what the future of SEO holds

The future of SEO is bright, but it will require adaptability and implementation of the latest SEO trends in 2024. You may improve your ranking game by implementing these strategies.

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